Applied Environmental History. Digital Tools for the Study of Environmental Injustice. Case Studies and Environmental Digital Humanities Agenda


  • Antonio Ortega Santos Universidad de Granada



Environmental Injustice, Environmental Humanities, Digital Tools


This research proposal addresses central elements when designing new research practices, both in the epistemological and methodological fields of Environmental History. Two reflective elements and three research challenges are systematically raised. The first element revolves around how the narratives of environmental history have been constructed, legitimizing -by omission- the processes of colonial appropriation of the knowledge of the territories. The second reflective element represents an epistemological challenge when seeking the applicability of environmental history using digital tools for research on environmental conflicts, taking EJOLT and TOXIC BIOS as case studies. Finally, and as a corollary, a proposal for a future agenda is pointed out for the design of Public History projects, focused from Citizen Science that can be useful in its application to the field of socio-environmental studies.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. O. (2021). Applied Environmental History. Digital Tools for the Study of Environmental Injustice. Case Studies and Environmental Digital Humanities Agenda. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 11(2), 214–238.



Dossier "Historia Ambiental Aplicada para la Resiliencia Social"