Sakura, the Japanese flower in the communication of climate change. Exploratory study on a journalistic series from the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper (2016-2020)


  • Pablo Marcelo Gavirati Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires



Environmental Communication, Environmental History, Japanese Studies


Understanding of climate change problem as a central element of western modernity civilization crisis requires a better knowledge about natures-cultures diversity. This article approaches Japan environmental history from a communicational perspective based on the case study about representations of the cherry blossom (sakura). Considered a symbol of Japan, sakura is associated with spring in the "culture of the four seasons". In contemporary era, announcement of its flowering is occasion for annual media coverage due to widespread practice of Hanami (flower viewing meeting).

This exploratory study addresses the coverage about the climate change impacts on the sakura flowering patterns of the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper (2016-2020). We find that the percentage of publications coincides with the seasonality of March and April. The journalistic series starts in the Science Section for the dissemination of researches in forest sciences. Then it is transpose as a criteria of newsworthiness to other generalist sections, such as Local. Thus, news on the alteration in the times of sakura flowering could provide a concrete indication of climate change in the daily life of Japanese society.


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How to Cite

Gavirati, P. M. (2020). Sakura, the Japanese flower in the communication of climate change. Exploratory study on a journalistic series from the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper (2016-2020). Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista De La Solcha, 10(3), 25–54.



Dossier "Periodismo Ambiental en la Era del Antropoceno."